This opportunity has passed.
Mittens for Detroit receives more than 1,500 handmade pairs of new, warm mittens every year, from all over the country. If you knit, crochet, or sew, this is an excellent volunteer opportunity for you – regardless of age. Mittens can be knitted or crocheted. They can also be sewn, using new fleece or upcycled materials such as wool or acrylic sweaters, or wool cloth. Pairs can be created and mailed to us year-round, and they can be any size from kids to senior citizens. We ask that the easy care yarn is used and the pairs are washable. This is a great opportunity for organizations, clubs, scouts, and other teams who want to have some fun with a purpose. Visit our at or join our MittensMakers group on our Facebook page!
Knitting, crocheting, sewing (fleece or upcycled mittens)
Pairs should be joined together with scrap yarn; please do not use safety pins.
Please make sure that the pairs have a little bit longer cuffs than the pattern suggests, as it will help keep the wearer's arm warmer at their wrists.
Any questions, please email Wendy at