Shades of Pink Foundation

Volunteer Opportunity:
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Activities for Businesses/Teams)
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Are you looking for a worthwhile organization to partner with during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October? 

Almost everyone knows someone whose life has been affected by breast cancer. The physical and emotional toll of breast cancer is well known. However, the financial impact of the diagnosis is not. Many individuals who are diagnosed with breast cancer have extra financial burdens placed on them during treatment and recovery. Common issues are mortgage/rent, utilities, car payments, insurance, transportation, and expenses related to childcare. 

Shades of Pink Foundation is a local nonprofit that offers temporary financial assistance to breast cancer patients across Southeast Michigan by providing prompt funding for daily living expenses. We provide services to residents of Genesee, Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties. Since 2005, Shades of Pink Foundation has assisted more than 1,000 individuals and their families as they navigate the high costs of a breast cancer diagnosis. Thanks to the generous support of community members, we have distributed over $2.5 million of financial support throughout Southeast Michigan. Our Charity Navigator Encompass Rating is 100.

Hosting a special event or fundraiser at your workplace that benefits Shades of Pink Foundation not only helps your business make a difference in your community, it can give your staff a morale boost and build camaraderie among colleagues.  We will provide a logo for event flyers, program brochures, and social media promotion, if appropriate. The Foundation is proud to recognize our partners who are raising funds and recognition on our behalf by holding innovative community fundraisers during the month of October. Click here to view the 50+ local businesses, municipalities, schools and athletic teams that supported us last year. 

Below are some simple breast cancer awareness and fundraising ideas that can be used during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October or anytime throughout the year. Be creative and have fun, the possibilities are endless! 

  • “Lunch and Learn” Ask a representative from Shades of Pink Foundation to speak at your office. Employees will appreciate hearing a firsthand account about our organization and the impact we are making for those in need across our communities.
  • Casual Pink Fridays OR Casual for a Cause Days – Let your employees wear casual pink clothes to the office on Fridays. To participate, employees must make a monetary donation each Friday or on other designated days. Employees who usually wear business attire will love the opportunity to dress-down — especially for a good cause.  
  • Bake Sale – Bring out your office’s star bakers by holding a bake sale and donate the proceeds to Shades of Pink Foundation.
  • Fun Run OR Walk – Get your colleagues on their feet and out of their cubicles with a charity fun run or walk. This is great for peer-to-peer fundraising that benefits our organization.
  • Charity Competition With Other Companies – To stoke the flames of competition in a meaningful way, partner with other companies to see whose office can raise the most money for Shades of Pink Foundation.
  • Bowl-A-Thon – Get your coworkers out of the office, into some rented shoes, and onto the lanes for a charity bowl-a-thon. 

Other ideas include:

  • Charity Golf Outing
  • 50/50 Raffle
  • Host a Wine Tasting
  • T-shirt Drive
  • Penny Jar Challenge


We look forward to partnering with you!


For more information on hosting a fundraising event to benefit Shades of Pink Foundation during the month of October or anytime during the year, please contact Nina Googasian, Executive Administrator, at (248) 729-3166 or

Suitable for Kids
Ages 13-17
Good for Groups?
Type of Opportunity
Activity Type
Thursday, March 6th, 2025
Repeats daily for 355 times
Friday, January 10th, 2025
Thursday, March 6th, 2025
Daily for 365 times
Thursday, March 6th, 2025
Daily for 365 times
Opportunity can occur at any time, day or night, within a selected date range.
Location Details
Work from Anywhere
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