Spaulding for Children

Volunteer Opportunity:
Trunk or Treat
I'm Interested!

The Annual Trunk-or-Treat event will be held on Friday, October 18, 2024, in the rear parking lot from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. 

At this event, a maximum of 20 vehicles decorated with their trunks open to provide a safe way for the kids we serve to go trick-or-treating, but instead of house-to-house, they will go trunk-to-trunk.  

We need people to decorate their vehicles and have goodies in their trunks for this event.  There will be craft stations and a lot of fun!  

Volunteers can also help with set-up and breakdown of event.

Volunteers need to complete a Volunteer Application Packet.

Suitable for Kids
Ages 13-17
Size of Group
1 individual
Volunteer Needs
Wheelchair accessible
Accompanying children welcome
Hours verification for school provided
Type of Opportunity
Friday, October 18th, 2024, 4pm - 6pm
Duration of 2 hours
Location Details
At Nonprofit's Location
Outdoor Project
I'm Interested!