Gaelic League Heritage Foundation

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Richard Owen McGee
Primary Contact Name
Richard McGee
Main Address

Gaelic League of Detroit
2068 Michigan Ave
Detroit, MI 48216
United States

2068 Michigan Ave
Detroit, MI 48216
United States

What We Do

The Gaelic League Heritage Foundation (501c3) a non-profit corporation organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and cultural purposes.  The foundation’s intent is to provide programming support and enhancements  for the SE Michigan Irish &  Corktown communities.  

With increasing interest and excitement, as more young families are moving into Corktown.   Now with this neighborhood of young families there’s a desire to introduce wholesome, family activities to our diverse neighbors.  Events being considered are a Children’s Story Hour, Irish Cultural Camp for children, music lessons, introduction to Irish sports of hurling and football plus Irish Step dancing.  Also, Corktown residents will be offering more usage of the GL/IAC hall for neighborhood meetings and events.

GLHF intends to strengthen connections with the Metro Detroit Irish as “the club” has welcomed generations of families for decades.   Partnerships are being developed with many of the Irish groups to provide the best entertainment and cultural experiences for the benefit of the Detroit Community.

Interesting Info
  • Organized in 1920. At our Corktown location since 1950.
  • A nice facility with the desire to be the community center/kitchen for Corktown.
  • Existing active programing for children & adults. Desire to add more.
Geographic Location
