Jaime's Kids
The death of a young woman with 5 children is devastating to a family especially when the grandparents take on the responsibility of raising all five of her children.
Our names are Debbie & Tom Wencel. We feel so blessed that God has made us aware of this organization. SHARE Detroit is an outstanding platform to SHARE our amazing story. My wife Debbie and I have recently adopted 5 of our orphaned grandchildren. Cara age 14, Paige age 10, Jenna age 9, Cayden (the only boy) age 7 & Nina age 5. Some very kind and generous members of our church have set up a non-profit, 501 c 3, Community charity called JAIME’S KIDS. (jaimes5kids.com) Jaime is our daughter who passed away shortly after giving birth to her fifth child, Nina, 5 years ago. The father of the children abandoned the family when Jaime was 6 months pregnant with Nina. He has had all his parental rights legally taken away. All 5 children have lived with us since the birth of Nina 5 years ago. FAITH, FAMILY VALUES & COMMUNITY SERVICE are most important to myself, Debbie and our 5 children and we lead by example. Despite the tragic situations these children have gone through we are making sure that they feel part of A LOVING, CARING FAMILY. We are in our mid-60s and Debbie and I have put our lives aside to make sure this happens for the children. We live in a two-bedroom home and are in the process of building a second-floor addition to add adequate space for the children to live and grow. I've spent 45 years in the construction business and I am doing most of the work on my own along with donations and volunteers from our Church, Family, Friends and Community. We've been working on the project for over two years and have exhausted all of our savings. We currently live on a $40,000 a year income from our pension and social security. We have gone from a family of 2 on a fixed income to a family of 7. We have been very blessed with so many people who care about our family and our cause. JAIME'S KIDS also supports Youth Sports and other Youth Programs, Senior Citizens, Our Veterans and recycling awareness in our community. We are in need of help to finish our WENCEL FAMILY HOME ADDITION PROJECT and have the children experience a positive event in their lives. JAIME’S KIDS mission is to complete the Wencel Family Home Addition Project, focus on encouraging FAMILY VALUES throughout our community, Youth programs and Sports, Senior Citizens, Our Veterans and environmental issues while getting our area young people involved with community volunteer projects.
Our story is very compelling and heartwarming. I would love to speak with you and talk more about both of all of our goals. Please feel free to call me anytime at 313-598-5182
- In the United States 2.7 MILLION GRANDPARENTS are raising their GRANDCHILDREN... Over 6 MILLI ON CHILDREN are being raised by their GRA NDPARENTS .
- Debbie & Tom Wencel, age 65 are 2 of these GRANDPARENTS. They are raising 5 orphaned GRANDCHILDREN after the death of their daughter, Jaime
- The JAIME'S KIDS logo was designed by Jaime's 5 children, CARA, PAIGE, JENNA, CAYDEN & NINA