Ladies of Charity of St Vincent de Paul Oakland County Assoc.

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Joan Grohar
Barbara Balow
Primary Contact Name
Joan Grohar
Main Address

P.O. Box 602
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303
United States

What We Do

Ladies of Charity partners with over 40 social service agencies to help needy families and individuals with emergency assistance. The caseworkers pick up groceries, clothes and household goods from the LOC Clothes Closet/Food Pantry to distribute to their clients.

Interesting Info
  • Singlehandedly, even during the pandemic, the Ladies of Charity's Clothes Closet/ Food Pantry Warehouse processed more than 8,762 orders for 6,995 individuals.
  • We are 100% volunteer organization with no paid staff.
  • Before COVID-19, typically we provide clothing or food for 16,000 clients a year. We want to return to that level.