Motor City STEAM Foundation
Headquartered in Detroit, MI Motor City S.T.E.A.M. Foundation, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing STEAM (Science. Technology. Engineering. Art, Mathematics)-related educational programs and opportunities for minority and underprivileged students. The organization’s goal is to increase the number of minority students pursuing higher education degrees in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering and technology, while infusing art and creativity into each learning experience, producing well-rounded students that ultimately enter careers in one or more of these fields We are unique from other scientific programs because none of the others adequately have addressed the need for integration of the arts, which propels innovative thinking. Our data-driven approach involves individualized mentorship and metrics from peer-reviewed journals that will illustrate the positive impact of our program materials Motor City STEAM will help create a pipeline of ethnically and racially diverse, rigorously trained students to fill jobs requiring STEAM skills. Our company is built to make sure students have access to STEAM education so that advanced degrees in STEAM will no longer be accomplishments, but the standard.