
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

The 1st Annual Nonprofit Exploration Fair at Romeo Middle School was a huge success! 

The 1st Annual Nonprofit Exploration Fair at Romeo Middle School was a huge success! On Thursday, February 27th there were over 60 nonprofits in total, who met one-on-one with 1200 Romeo students to educate and inform about how organizations serve the community. Share Detroit helped advise in the pre-planning phase for the event and supported engagement by sharing nonprofit missions and answering questions about volunteering and service.

Driving Hope Forward: Help Recovery Mobile Clinic Reach Its $20,000 Goal for Lifesaving Care

Recovery Mobile Clinic has recently set a $20,000 fundraising goal for their Patient Recovery Fund on their SHARE Detroit profile! Founder Jordana Latozas says that SHARE Detroit has been a valuable resource in helping make community members aware of the work Recovery Mobile Clinic is doing and how to get involved, so we wanted to take some specific time to highlight the impact they make in Southeast Michigan and beyond. This will help readers like you understand why this fundraiser is so important!

Empowering Nonprofits: How SHARE Detroit is Elevating Fundraising for the DRE Project

SHARE Detroit is home to over 500 nonprofits. Each of these nonprofits has a page on our website where they can post their events, volunteer opportunities, and wishlists. Community members can also donate directly to nonprofits via their SHARE pages and nonprofits can use SHARE as their primary donation link on their own websites. Jennifer Jackson, founder of The DRE Project, sat down with SHARE to talk about the impact SHARE’s easy-to-use platform has had on her organization’s ability to maximize donations.