What We Do
Leader Dog helps thousands of people who are blind, visually impaired or Deaf-Blind and in critical need of developing the skills required to travel safely and independently. Our services have a positive impact on our clients’ confidence, health, employment opportunities, families and communities. Because we believe every person deserves equal opportunity, all programs are provided at no cost. Leader Dog is 100% funded through philanthropy and donations without federal, state or insurance support.
Interesting Info
- Over 200 clients are served each year free of charge.
- Every year more than 75,000 people become blind or visually impaired in the U.S.
- Make everyone unstoppable!
Geographic Location
Volunteer Opportunities
Breeding Stock Host
Repeats daily for 365 times
Duration of 23 hours 59 minutes
Client Driver
Repeats daily on Sunday and Saturday for 358 times