
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

The 1st Annual Nonprofit Exploration Fair at Romeo Middle School was a huge success! 

The 1st Annual Nonprofit Exploration Fair at Romeo Middle School was a huge success! On Thursday, February 27th there were over 60 nonprofits in total, who met one-on-one with 1200 Romeo students to educate and inform about how organizations serve the community. Share Detroit helped advise in the pre-planning phase for the event and supported engagement by sharing nonprofit missions and answering questions about volunteering and service.

SHARE Detroit and Yanfeng Partner to host Women’s Service Day Sept. 26

Sept. 20, 2024

MEDIA CONTACTS                                                               
Jennifer Foster/ 586-212-3122
Kamryn Lowler/ 734-795-3839

Volunteer Spotlight: Quentin Todd

As a neuroscience student finishing his first year at Wayne State University, Quentin Todd knew it would be essential for him to build up volunteer experience in order to pursue his eventual goal of applying to medical school. Enter: SHARE Detroit. Quentin first learned about SHARE Detroit a few months earlier, so he already knew the perfect place to start looking for his summer plans. Due to the simplicity of our website, Quentin was able to sort through a variety of volunteer options in order to find the opportunity that was best for him.

July/August Group Volunteer Opportunities

Give Your Time and Talent

 Perfect for Group Volunteers – Apply at
July/August 2024 Volunteer Opportunities
Click on the link within each description to find out specific details for these volunteer options.


Powering Up Social Good this Summer!  
Grab your colleagues, family & friends and venture out to Do Good!