Global Community Engagement Day (January 28th)
“Mayors, city council members, and legislators come and go, but neighborhoods don't go anywhere.” - Rashida Tlaib
January 28th is Global Community Engagement Day! Today is the perfect day to think about how YOU can give back to your community! Our mission at SHARE Detroit is to make that process easy! You can always use our website to search for volunteer opportunities or shop for good.
But of course, we do want to recommend some nonprofits on this day. While every nonprofit we work with at SHARE ultimately benefits the greater Metro Detroit community, on this day, we want to highlight some nonprofits that work with specific communities within our larger community. Say community five times fast, then check out these nonprofits:
- NW Goldberg Cares
- Brightmoor Artisans Collective
- Brilliant Detroit
- Bridging Communities, Inc.
- Developing Kingdoms In Different Stages (Developing K.I.D.S.)
- SAY Detroit
- Urban Neighborhood Initiative
- Take My Hand
- Love INC of North Oakland County
- Franklin Wright Settlements, Inc
We hope that you will take the time to read more about these organizations. If you are still in search of a nonprofit to support, please check out our directory here.
About SHARE Detroit
SHARE Detroit is a community initiative with opportunities to do good across the tri-county area. A robust online platform makes giving easy by connecting generous people to the greatest needs in the community. offers local nonprofits a chance to be seen and heard, regardless of cause or size, and work together. Learn more at